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SAB Foil Flat 370 Pro Finish

SAB Foil Flat 370 Pro Finish

SAB Foil Leviathan 1150 Pro Finish

SAB Foil Leviathan 1150 Pro Finish

Ensis Wings Waltz DW Foil Board

2-3 Tage
flat water & surf, high stability, comfort - The ENSIS WALTZ is ideal for ambitious discoverers to experts looking to do downwinders, be in the surf while SUP (standup paddling), and is a great solution for lightwind wingfoiling that will have you on the foil in a breeze. ENSIS WALTZ 6'0'' (85 l), 6'3'' (95 l), 7'0'' (115 l), 7'6'' (135 l)
As low as €1,999.00
Availability: In stock
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Lieferzeit2-3 Tage
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